Setting the Context for Professional Development Standards
In 2006, the Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers (AALPD) identified the development of quality standards in professional development as a priority area. These standards, in conjunction with the AALPD policies, are designed to enhance professional development systems at the state and local levels.
The policies provide the infrastructure to support access and participation of adult basic education, literacy, and ESOL practitioners and administrators in professional development. They provide the support, structure, and resources for professional development. The standards define the characteristics of quality professional development that develops effective and reflective adult educators.
In drafting professional development standards in adult education, the committee reviewed other professional development standards initiatives (e.g., National Council on Staff Development and Colorado Statewide Systemic Initiative for Mathematics and Science); standards developed by states for adult education and K-12 education (e.g., Massachusetts draft professional development standards, New Jersey, South Carolina); and research in the field.
The standards reflect findings from two primary research studies on professional development:
The standards are broad guidelines for providing quality professional development experiences. A set of indicators was developed for each standard to operationalize the standards in adult education. The AALPD standards were last revised in 2018.
Using the AALPD Standards
The standards can be used:
By state ABE leadership to set a vision for professional development.
By professional developers to guide them as they design and deliver professional development activities.
By practitioners to help them understand the characteristics of effective professional development.
In 2018, three tools were developed to facilitate the use of the standards by practitioners and to identify gaps in professional development programming. Read more and access the tools below.
The PD Training Reflection is used by participants to evaluate and provide feedback on a professional learning opportunity.
Current Work with the AALPD Standards
The AALPD Standards Committee, led by AALPD Chair Carmine Stewart and Board member Dalanda Bond, began work in 2022 to evaluate the AALPD PD Standards, identify gaps, and make revisions to better support the field. Stay tuned for more information about this work and opportunities to get involved in the revision process.